National Mental Health Service Planning Framework (NMHSPF) training and support
The NMHSPF project commenced in 2011 as a commitment under the Fourth National Mental Health Plan to “develop a national service planning framework that establishes targets for the mix and level of the full range of mental health services”. Researchers from Queensland Centre for Mental Health Research were involved in the first phase of NMHSPF development led by the New South Wales Ministry of Health, providing advice and expertise through the NMHSPF expert working groups and completing commissioned research on specific topics.
Since 2016 Queensland Centre for Mental Health Research has led a program of work to review and refine the NMHSPF, and to train and support mental health planning staff within state and territory health departments, Primary Health Networks (PHNs), and Local Hospital Networks (LHNs) to understand and use the NMHSPF for their planning. In 2021 the research team developed an online training program for health planners wanting to use the NMHSPF, and now provides expert technical support to new and existing users to understand and apply the NMHSPF model.
For more information about the NMHSPF training course, please click here.
Currently Funded by
Australian Institute of Health and Welfare
Lead Investigator
Dr Sandra Diminic
Current Project Team
Charlotte Comben
Imogen Page
Claudia Pagliaro
Eryn Wright
Manuel Wailan
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